We consider ⊗-Markov block ciphers on the alphabet X with independent round keys and an Abelian group (X,⊗) of key addition. Lai X., Massey J. L., Murphy S. in 1991 had proved that the sequence of round differences of the ⊗-Markov block cipher forms a Markov chain. In 2017 we have given conditions under which the sequence of lumped round differences of the ⊗-Markov block cipher is again a Markov chain. Ciphers with such property were called ⊗W-Markovian block ciphers. The definition of ⊗W-Markovian block ciphers naturally leads to a notion of ⊗W-Markovian transformations. In this paper, we continue to investigate properties of ⊗W-Markovian ciphers. We ascertain connections between the existence of homomorphisms of block ciphers and the ⊗W-Markovian property.
B. A. Pogorelov, M. A. Pudovkina, “Permutation homomorphisms of block ciphers and ⊗W-Markovian property”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 9:3 (2018), 109–126
This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
B. A. Pogorelov, M. A. Pudovkina, “Neabelevost gruppy nalozheniya klyucha i svoistvo ⊗W-markovosti algoritmov blochnogo shifrovaniya”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 11:4 (2020), 107–131
B. A. Pogorelov, M. A. Pudovkina, “⊗W-markovost XSL-algoritmov blochnogo shifrovaniya, svyazannaya so svoistvami sloev raundovoi funktsii”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 10:1 (2019), 115–142