The article is devoted to accelerating simulations of compressible flows on hybrid cluster
systems using the full approximation scheme multigrid method (FAS MG). The basic
numerical algorithm has the following features: for spatial discretization, unstructured
mixed-element meshes and schemes with definition of mesh functions at mesh nodes are
used; for temporal discretization, a fully implicit scheme is used. The goal of this work is
to achieve acceleration of stationary simulations on both central and graphics processors
without significant losses in parallel efficiency. We describe an approach to construct
mesh levels; a technique for improving the quality of mesh representation of the geometry of modeled objects; parallel implementation within the framework of complex parallelization, combining MPI for a distributed-memory parallel model, OpenMP for a
shared-memory model, and OpenCL for computing on GPUs of various architectures.
A. V. Gorobets, S. A. Soukov, A. R. Magomedov, “Heterogeneous parallel implementation of a multigrid method with full approximation in the NOISETTE code”, Mat. Model., 36:2 (2024), 129–146; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 16:4 (2024), 609–619