In the paper we consider the construction of numerical methods of computational gas dynamics
based on the approximation of the second order nonlinear wave equations (NWE). Thes approach
of "NWE” allows one to construct finite difference and finite elements schemes with cells of balance (conservative cells) both in the “finite volume” and lagrange “particle-points” framework.
Therefore, numerical methods based on the approximations of NWE are of the great interest for
the solution of one- and multi-dimensional problems of computational gas dynamics. In this paper the construction and investigation of discrete models of ”NWE” is performed for one dimensional gas dynamics problems in the Lagrange form and the results of numerical experiments are
gas dynamics equations, Lagrange variable, nonlinear wave equations, finite difference schemes, finite elements schemes, particle-points method.
V. E. Troshchiev, N. S. Bochkarev, “Numerical methods of Lagrange particle-points for one-dimensional gas dynamics wave equations”, Mat. Model., 24:6 (2012), 91–108; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 5:1 (2013), 37–49
This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
N. S. Bochkarev, “Equivalent numerical schemes for the first and second order gas dynamics equations”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 5:6 (2013), 534–537
V. E. Troshchiev, N. S. Bochkarev, “The numerical method of Lagrange particles on the basis of two dimentional gas dynamics wave equations”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 5:3 (2013), 280–288