The amantadinium iodoacetatobismuthate(III) [C10H15NH3·(CH3)2CO]2[BiI3.67(CH3COO)1.33] is a new hybrid halometallate with iodide ions partially replaced by oxygen-containing acetates to form stronger interaction between the anionic and cationic substructures. The title compound as well-shaped orange-red crystals was synthesized by a facile reaction in acetone solution in the presence of glacial acetic acid. The crystal structure of the compound consists of the infinite anionic chains [BiI3.67(CH3COO)1.33]2– and the countercations [C10H15NH3·(CH3)2CO]+; according to the optical absorption data, the test compound is a semiconductor with a band gap of 2.06 eV.
T. A. Shestimerova, M. A. Bykov, A. V. Grigor'eva, Zh. Wei, E. V. Dikarev, A. V. Shevelkov, “Synthesis and characterization of amantadinium iodoacetatobismuthate, a hybrid compound with mixed iodide–carboxylate anions”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:2 (2022), 194–197
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