The microstructure of the Mo/Be multilayer periodic system has been investigated using the methods of reflectometry, diffractometry, and EXAFS spectroscopy. It is found that, in the Mo/Be system, a mixed zone with different compositions are formed at the interfaces. On the Mo-on-Be and Be-on-Mo interfaces, mixed zones with a composition similar to МоВе$_{22}$ and МоВе$_2$ are formed, respectively. After thermal annealing for 1 h, the structure of transition interfaces in the multilayer system remains stable. Upon further annealing, diffusion processes occur, leading to the formation of the other compound (МоВе$_2$ instead of МоВе$_{22}$); however, the period of the structure remains unchanged. Such a behavior explains the increase in the reflectance of Mo/Be mirrors after 1-h annealing and its subsequent decrease for a longer annealing time.
This research was performed in the framework of state order no. 0035-2014-0204 and was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects nos. 19-32-90154, 19-02-00081, 18-02-00588, and 18-02-00173) for the interpretation of EXAFS experimental data obtained on the equipment of the Physics and Technology of Micro- and Nanostructures Center for Collective Use at the Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences.
R. M. Smertin, V. N. Polkovnikov, N. N. Salashchenko, N. I. Chkhalo, P. A. Yunin, A. L. Trigub, “The microstructure of transition boundaries in multilayer Mo/Be systems”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 90:11 (2020), 1884–1892; Tech. Phys., 65:11 (2020), 1800–1808
\by R.~M.~Smertin, V.~N.~Polkovnikov, N.~N.~Salashchenko, N.~I.~Chkhalo, P.~A.~Yunin, A.~L.~Trigub
\paper The microstructure of transition boundaries in multilayer Mo/Be systems
\jour Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki
\yr 2020
\vol 90
\issue 11
\pages 1884--1892
\jour Tech. Phys.
\yr 2020
\vol 65
\issue 11
\pages 1800--1808
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