High-spin defect centers in crystal matrices are used in quantum computing technologies, highly sensitive sensors, and single-photon sources. In this work, optically active nitrogen-vacancy color centers NV$^-$ in a $^{28}$Si-enriched (nuclear spin $I = 0$) 6H-$^{28}$SiC crystal have been studied using the photoinduced ($\lambda = 980$ nm) high-frequency ($94$ GHz, $3.4$ T) pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance method at a temperature of $T = 150$ K. Three structurally nonequivalent types of NV$^-$ centers with axial symmetry have been identified and their spectroscopic parameters have been determined. Long spin–lattice, ${T}_{1} = 1.3$ ms, and spin–spin, ${{T}_{2}} = 59$$\mu$s, ensemble relaxation times of NV$^-$ centers with extremely narrow ($450$ kHz) absorption lines allow highly selective excitation of resonant transitions between sublevels $m_I$ caused by the weak hyperfine interaction ($A \approx 1$ MHz) with $^{14}$N ($I = 1$) nuclei for the quantum manipulation of the electron spin magnetization.
F. F. Murzakhanov, M. A. Sadovnikova, G. V. Mamin, D. V. Shurtakova, E. N. Mokhov, O. P. Kazarova, M. R. Gafurov, “Optical spin initialization of nitrogen vacancy centers in a $^{28}$Si-enriched 6H-SiC crystal for quantum technologies”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 119:8 (2024), 587–592; JETP Letters, 119:8 (2024), 593–598
This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
Larisa R. Latypova, Irina N. Gracheva, Darya V. Shurtakova, Fadis F. Murzakhanov, Margarita A. Sadovnikova, Georgy V. Mamin, Marat R. Gafurov, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2024