Electromagnetically induced gratings (EMIGs) of atomic populations are formed in the resonant media at the interference of two or more overlapping monochromatic beams. They are of great interest in the view of the possibility of numerous applications in optics and spectroscopy. The significant progress has been achieved recently in the generation of ultrashort femto- and attosecond pulses. Such ultrashort pulses cannot provide an interference pattern because the region of their overlapping is very small and insufficient to form even few interference fringes. However, when the pulse duration is shorter than the relaxation times in the medium in the presence of a coherent interaction with the medium, they can rapidly change of the population of atomic levels owing to carrier-wave Rabi flopping. In this case, population gratings can be formed without the instantaneous overlapping of ultrashort light pulses in the medium. The latest results on the production and control of EMIGs received by means of a sequence of single- and subcycle light pulses have been reviewed. It has been shown that the unipolar subcycle pulses can be used to control more efficiently the EMIGs compared to multipolar multicycle pulses. Various applications of these gratings have been discussed in the ultrafast optics and for the holographic recording.
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 19-72-00012, study of the dynamics of gratings induced by ultrashort light pulses) and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 20-32-70049, study of the interaction of a single atom with unipolar pulses).