It has been shown in the dissipationless limit that, if a TE or TM bulk plane wave is incident from outside on a finite planar structure consisting of nonmagnetic and antiferromagnetic dielectric layers, the inclusion of the spatial dispersion of the magnet in the case of a hyperbolic antiferromagnetic medium can lead to additional resonant refractive anomalies, in particular, effects of total reflection (transmission) of a plane electromagnetic wave and the formation of discrete localized magnon-polariton states against the continuous spectrum, and, in the regime of a one-dimensional resonant magnetic photonic crystal, to the superradiance effect.
S. V. Tarasenko, V. G. Shavrov, “Resonant polariton effects in a structure of equidistant layers of a single-phase hyperbolic medium with spatial dispersion”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 111:6 (2020), 345–354; JETP Letters, 111:6 (2020), 311–319