The influence of nonstoichiometry of the new high-temperature superconductor MgB$_2$ on its critical temperature was studied by the direct magnetooptical observations of the penetration and trapping of magnetic flux. To preclude the possible influence of accidental factors, a special sample with transition from pure boron to the MgB$_2$ with an excess of Mg was synthesized. In a narrow region near the unreacted boron, the magnetic-field trapping and screening disappear at a temperature $1.5$ K higher than in the dominant stoichiometric region of the sample.
M. V. Indenbom, L. S. Uspenskaya, M. P. Kulakov, I. K. Bdikin, S. A. Zver'kov, “Nonstoichiometry and critical temperature of MgB$_2$”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 74:5 (2001), 304–308; JETP Letters, 74:5 (2001), 274–278
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