We study spectral properties of the boundary-value problem
in the case when the weight ρ belongs to the space M
of multipliers from the space ∘W12[0,1] to the dual space
(∘W12[0,1])′. We obtain a criterion for the
generalized derivative (in the sense of distributions) of a piecewise-constant
affinely self-similar function to lie in M. For general weights
in this class we show that the spectrum of the problem is discrete and the
eigenvalues grow exponentially. The nature of this growth is
determined by the parameters of self-similarity. When the parameters
of self-similarity reach the boundary of the set where ρ∈M,
the problem exhibits continuous spectrum.
The results of § 2 were obtained with the support of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (grants no. 13-01-00705, 13-01-12476).
The results of § 3 and § 4 were obtained with the support of the Russian
Science Foundation (project no. 14-11-00754).
J. V. Tikhonov, I. A. Sheipak, “On the string equation with a singular weight belonging to the space
of multipliers in Sobolev spaces with negative index of smoothness”, Izv. Math., 80:6 (2016), 1242–1256
\by J.~V.~Tikhonov, I.~A.~Sheipak
\paper On the string equation with a~singular weight belonging to the space
of multipliers in Sobolev spaces with negative index of smoothness
\jour Izv. Math.
\yr 2016
\vol 80
\issue 6
\pages 1242--1256
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This publication is cited in the following 1 articles:
E. B. Sharov, I. A. Sheipak, “String equation with weight that is a noncompact multiplier: continuous spectrum and eigenvalues”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 33:4 (2022), 697–709