We select a class of uniqueness of the solutions
of the quasi-elliptic
equation with the Dirichlet condition on the boundary of an unbounded domain
Ω⊂Rn+1 and show that for domains with irregular
behaviour of the boundary this class can be wider than that established
in [10] for second-order elliptic equations. For the Laplace equation
we construct an example of non-uniqueness of solution of the Dirichlet
problem that shows that the class of uniqueness found in this paper cannot be
essentially extended.
L. M. Kozhevnikova, “Anisotropic classes of uniqueness of the solution of the Dirichlet
problem for quasi-elliptic equations”, Izv. Math., 70:6 (2006), 1165–1200
\by L.~M.~Kozhevnikova
\paper Anisotropic classes of uniqueness of the solution of the Dirichlet
problem for quasi-elliptic equations
\jour Izv. Math.
\yr 2006
\vol 70
\issue 6
\pages 1165--1200
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This publication is cited in the following 7 articles:
L. M. Kozhevnikova, A. A. Khadzhi, “Existence of solutions of anisotropic elliptic equations with nonpolynomial nonlinearities in unbounded domains”, Sb. Math., 206:8 (2015), 1123–1149
V. F. Gilimshina, F. Kh. Mukminov, “On the decay of solutions of non-uniformly elliptic equations”, Izv. Math., 75:1 (2011), 53–71
I. M. Bikkulov, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Klassy edinstvennosti resheniya zadachi Rikke dlya ellipticheskikh uravnenii chetvertogo i shestogo poryadkov”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 2:1 (2010), 35–51
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L. M. Kozhevnikova, “Behaviour at infinity of solutions of pseudodifferential
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