We give conditions for the analytic continuation of functions from invariant subspaces in convex domains of a multi-dimensional complex space. In the case of one variable we establish a criterion for the analytic continuation for smooth convex domains.
A. S. Krivosheev, “Analytic continuation of functions from invariant subspaces in convex domains of the complex space”, Izv. Math., 62:2 (1998), 287–312
\by A.~S.~Krivosheev
\paper Analytic continuation of functions from invariant subspaces in convex domains of the complex space
\jour Izv. Math.
\yr 1998
\vol 62
\issue 2
\pages 287--312
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This publication is cited in the following 10 articles:
A. S. Krivosheev, O. A. Krivosheeva, “Invariant Spaces of Entire Functions”, Math. Notes, 109:3 (2021), 413–426
O. A. Krivosheyeva, A. S. Krivosheyev, “A representation of functions from an invariant subspace with almost real spectrum”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:4 (2018), 603–641
A. S. Krivosheev, “Criterion of analytic continuability of functions in principal invariant subspaces on convex domains in Cn”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 22:4 (2011), 615–655
A. S. Krivosheev, “Invariantnye podprostranstva v vypuklykh oblastyakh iz Cn”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 1:2 (2009), 53–74
A. S. Krivosheev, “Invariantnye podprostranstva v vypuklykh oblastyakh iz Cn”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 1:3 (2009), 65–86
Krivosheev A.S., “Continuation of functions from principal invariant subspaces”, Doklady Mathematics, 74:2 (2006), 728–730
A. S. Krivosheev, “A fundamental principle for invariant subspaces in convex domains”, Izv. Math., 68:2 (2004), 291–353
A. S. Krivosheev, “A criterion for analytic continuation of functions from invariant subspaces in convex domains of the complex plane”, Izv. Math., 68:1 (2004), 43–76
I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii, “Spectral synthesis and analytic continuation”, Russian Math. Surveys, 58:1 (2003), 31–108
Krivosheev A.S., “Analytic continuation of functions from invariant subspaces”, Doklady Mathematics, 66:2 (2002), 217–219