Let G be an arbitrary convex domain in the p-dimensional (p∈N) complex space Cp, and H(G) the space of single-valued analytic functions on G, endowed with the topology τG of uniform convergence on compact subsets of G. In this paper the following assertion is obtained (as a corollary to a more general result proved here) for a bounded domain G: if a sequence {En}n∈N of closed subspaces of H(G) that are invariant under each partial differentiation ∂∂zk (k=1,…,p) has the property that every function locally analytic on ¯G can be represented as a series
convergent (absolutely convergent) in the topology τG, then any function in H(G) can be expanded in a series (1) convergent (absolutely convergent) in τG.
Bibliography: 21 titles.
\by S.~N.~Melikhov
\paper On~expansion of analytic functions in exponential series
\jour Math. USSR-Izv.
\yr 1989
\vol 33
\issue 2
\pages 317--329
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This publication is cited in the following 7 articles:
S. N. Melikhov, “Coefficients of exponential series for analytic functions and the Pommiez operator”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 257:2 (2021), 206–245
V. B. Sherstyukov, “Asymptotic properties of entire functions with given laws of distribution of zeros”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 257:2 (2021), 246–272
V. B. Sherstyukov, “Nontrivial expansions of zero and representation of analytic functions by series of simple fractions”, Siberian Math. J., 48:2 (2007), 369–381
S. N. Melichow, “Über absolut repräsentierende Systeme aus Quasipolynomen in Räumen analytischer Funktionen”, Math Nachr, 158:1 (2006), 299
Sergej N. Melikhov, “(DFS)-spaces of holomorphic functions invariant under differentiation”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 297:2 (2004), 577
S. N. Melikhov, E. V. Teknechyan, “On the expansion of analytic functions in series in successive derivatives”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 47:2 (2003), 74–78
S. N. Melikhov, “Extension of entire functions of completely regular growth and right inverse to the operator of representation of analytic functions by quasipolynomial series”, Sb. Math., 191:7 (2000), 1049–1073