S. V. Goroshin, V. G. Shevchuk, N. D. Ageev, “Oscillatory combustion of gaseous suspensions”, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 17:6 (1981), 15–21; Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 17:6 (1981), 595–600
This publication is cited in the following 8 articles:
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Samuel Goroshin, Jan Palečka, Jeffrey M. Bergthorson, “Some fundamental aspects of laminar flames in nonvolatile solid fuel suspensions”, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 91 (2022), 100994
Jan Palečka, Judy Park, Samuel Goroshin, Jeffrey M Bergthorson, “Aluminum-propane-air hybrid flames in a Hele-Shaw cell”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38:3 (2021), 4461
A. Wright, A. J. Higgins, S. Goroshin, “The Discrete Regime of Flame Propagation in Metal Particulate Clouds”, Combustion Science and Technology, 188:11-12 (2016), 2178
Philippe Julien, James Vickery, Samuel Goroshin, David L. Frost, Jeffrey M. Bergthorson, “Freely-propagating flames in aluminum dust clouds”, Combustion and Flame, 162:11 (2015), 4241
François-David Tang, Samuel Goroshin, Andrew Higgins, John Lee, “Flame propagation and quenching in iron dust clouds”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32:2 (2009), 1905
Samuel Goroshin, Massimiliano Kolbe, John H.S. Lee, “Flame speed in a binary suspension of solid fuel particles”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 28:2 (2000), 2811
S Goroshin, M Bidabadi, J.H.S Lee, “Quenching distance of laminar flame in aluminum dust clouds”, Combustion and Flame, 105:1-2 (1996), 147