Let I be a closed submodule over a polynomial ring in a space of holomorphic functions on a domain in the complex plane. We establish sufficient conditions under which I is generated by two functions or two special submodules. As a corollary, it follows from these results that if an invariant subspace W⊂C∞(a,b) (with respect to the differentiation operator) admits spectral synthesis, then it is the solution space of a system of two homogeneous convolution equations.
spaces of holomorphic functions, module over the ring of polynomials, local description of closed submodules, finitely generated submodule, spectral synthesis, convolution equation.
B. N. Khabibullin, “Closed Submodules of Holomorphic Functions with Two Generators”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 38:1 (2004), 65–80; Funct. Anal. Appl., 38:1 (2004), 52–64
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Gurses M., Habibullin I., Zheltukhin K., “Integrable boundary value problems for elliptic type Toda lattice in a disk”, J. Math. Phys., 48:10 (2007), 102702, 16 pp.
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