We propose a scheme of construction of 2-circulant codes with given code distance on the basis of biorthogonal filters with the property of perfect reconstruction over a finite filed of odd characteristic. The corresponding algorithm for constructing biorthogonal filters utilizes the Euclidean algorithm for finding the gcd of polynomials.
A. A. Soloviev, D. V. Chernikov, “Biorthogonal wavelet codes with prescribed code distance”, Diskr. Mat., 29:2 (2017), 96–108; Discrete Math. Appl., 28:3 (2018), 179–188
This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
D. V. Litichevskii, “Piramidalnaya skhema postroeniya biortogonalnykh veivlet-kodov nad konechnymi polyami”, PDM, 2021, no. 51, 101–119
D. V. Litichevskii, “Spisochnoe dekodirovanie veivlet-kodov”, Izv. IMI UdGU, 53 (2019), 115–126
D. V. Litichevskii, “Spisochnoe dekodirovanie biortogonalnykh veivlet-kodov s zadannym kodovym rasstoyaniem v pole nechetnoi kharakteristiki”, PDM, 2018, no. 39, 72–77