We describe the marginal and joint distributions of the numbers of values and the numbers of runs in ternary Markov sequences. A relative simplicity of such sequences permits to derive exact formulas for means, variances, and covariances with the use of direct combinatorial calculations.
L. Ya. Savelyev, S. V. Balakin, “A combinatorial approach to calculation of moments of characteristics of runs in ternary Markov sequences”, Diskr. Mat., 23:2 (2011), 76–92; Discrete Math. Appl., 21:1 (2011), 47–67
\by L.~Ya.~Savelyev, S.~V.~Balakin
\paper A combinatorial approach to calculation of moments of characteristics of runs in ternary Markov sequences
\jour Diskr. Mat.
\yr 2011
\vol 23
\issue 2
\pages 76--92
\jour Discrete Math. Appl.
\yr 2011
\vol 21
\issue 1
\pages 47--67
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This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
N. M. Mezhennaya, “Otsenka dlya raspredeleniya chisel serii v sluchainoi posledovatelnosti, upravlyaemoi statsionarnoi tsepyu Markova”, PDM, 2017, no. 35, 14–28
N. M. Mezhennaya, “O predelnom raspredelenii chisla serii v polinomialnoi posledovatelnosti, upravlyaemoi tsepyu Markova”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. un-ta. Matem. Mekh. Kompyut. nauki, 26:3 (2016), 324–335
L. Ya. Savelev, S. V. Balakin, “A stochastic model of a digit transfer by computing”, Num. Anal. Appl., 6:1 (2013), 71–76