We consider dissipative Dyakonov plasmon-polaritons as surface waves propagating along the plane boundary of a hyperbolic metamaterial with an arbitrary orientation of the crystallographic axis. Conditions for the existence of fast, slow, gliding flowing, forward and backward plasmon-polaritons are found. A waveguide in the form of an asymmetric layer of a hyperbolic metamaterial is also considered. An expression for the density of electromagnetic energy in such a metamaterial is given.
Oleh Yermakov, Andrey Bogdanov, 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), 2021, 1
Mikhail V. Davidovich, Alexander K. Kobetz, Kirill A. Sayapin, “The method of simple iterations with correction of convergence and the minimal discrepancy method for plasmonic problems”, PWPRS, 24:3 (2021), 18
Denis Kudryashov, Dmitriy Kirsh, 2021 International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT), 2021, 1
“Editorial: The hundredth issue of the journal Computer Optics”, Computer Optics, 45:4 (2021), 475–481