We study the structure Ceprs induced by degrees of computably enumerable preorder relations with respect to computable reducibility ≤c. It is proved that the structure of computably enumerable equivalence relations is definable in Ceprs. This fact and results of Andrews, Schweber, and Sorbi imply that the theory of the structure Ceprs is computably isomorphic to first-order arithmetic. It is shown that a Σ1-fragment of the theory is decidable, while its Π3-fragment is hereditarily undecidable. It is stated that any two incomparable degrees in Ceprs do not have a least upper bound, and that among minimal degrees in Ceprs, exactly two are c-degrees of computably enumerable linear preorders.
computably enumerable preorder, computable reducibility, structure induced by degrees of computably enumerable preorder relations with respect to computable reducibility.
S. A. Badaev and B. S. Kalmurzaev are supported by SC MES RK, project No. AP05131579.
N. A. Bazhenov supported by Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok, Agreement with RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 075-15-2019-1613.
S. A. Badaev, N. A. Bazhenov, B. S. Kalmurzaev, “The structure of computably enumerable preorder relations”, Algebra Logika, 59:3 (2020), 293–314; Algebra and Logic, 59:3 (2020), 201–215
This publication is cited in the following 6 articles:
Birzhan S Kalmurzayev, Nikolay A Bazhenov, Alibek M Iskakov, “Computably enumerable equivalence relations via primitive recursive reductions”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2024
B. S. Kalmurzaev, N. A. Bazhenov, D. B. Alish, “On universal positive graphs”, Siberian Math. J., 64:1 (2023), 83–93
N. Bazhenov, B. Kalmurzayev, M. Zubkov, “A note on joins and meets for positive linear preorders”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 20:1 (2023), 1–16
B. S. Kalmurzaev, N. A. Bazhenov, M. A. Torebekova, “Ob indeksnykh mnozhestvakh dlya klassov pozitivnykh predporyadkov”, Algebra i logika, 61:1 (2022), 42–76
B. S. Kalmurzayev, N. A. Bazhenov, M. A. Torebekova, “Index Sets for Classes of Positive Preorders”, Algebra Logic, 61:1 (2022), 30
A. Askarbekkyzy, N. A. Bazhenov, B. S. Kalmurzayev, “Computable Reducibility for Computable Linear Orders of Type ω”, J Math Sci, 267:4 (2022), 429