The rigidity theorem for homotopy invariant presheaves with Witt-transfers on the category of smooth schemes over a field k of characteristic different form two is proved. Namely, for any such sheaf F, isomorphism F(U)≃F(x) is established, where U is an essentially smooth local Henselian scheme with a separable residue field over k. As a consequence, the rigidity theorem for the presheaves Wi(−×Y) for any smooth Y over k is obtained, where the Wi(−) are derived Witt groups. Note that the result of the work is rigidity with integral coefficients. Other known results are state isomorphisms with finite coefficients.
rigidity theorem, presheaves with transfers, Witt-correspondences.
A. E. Druzhinin, “Rigidity theorem for presheaves with Witt-transfers”, Algebra i Analiz, 31:4 (2019), 114–136; St. Petersburg Math. J., 31:4 (2020), 657–673