E. D. Gal'kovskiǐ, A. I. Nazarov, “A general trace formula for the differential operator on a segment with the last coefficient perturbed by a finite signed measure”, Algebra i Analiz, 30:3 (2018), 30–54; St. Petersburg Math. J., 30:3 (2019), 411–427
\by E.~D.~Gal'kovski{\v\i}, A.~I.~Nazarov
\paper A general trace formula for the differential operator on a~segment with the last coefficient perturbed by a~finite signed measure
\jour Algebra i Analiz
\yr 2018
\vol 30
\issue 3
\pages 30--54
\jour St. Petersburg Math. J.
\yr 2019
\vol 30
\issue 3
\pages 411--427
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This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
E. D. Gal'kovskii, A. I. Nazarov, “A trace formula for higher order ordinary differential operators”, Sb. Math., 212:5 (2021), 676–697
E. D. Galkovskii, “Formula sleda dlya differentsialnogo operatora vysokogo poryadka na otrezke pri vozmuschenii mladshego koeffitsienta konechnym zaryadom”, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 53:2 (2019), 64–67